Without immersion there is no simulation
To build a simulation is closely connected to a focus on immersion. Without a given possibility for the user to accept the virtual surrounding the simulation delivers not what it should deliver, it just breaks the immersion and looses it's meaning. A delicate topic, quite challenging and almost sensitive.
When we simulate something we give ourselves or others the feeling that something happening right now is real - even if it's not. When building a simulation we try to get as close to realism as possible and if that's not possible then at least we have to eliminate all uncertainties that let one slip out of a simulation. Our simulations are not automatically an interactive virtual reality game, but can also be a digital set for a concept, a product presentation or application for training machines. Mainly we do simulations for people to train and learn something, but we also help companies to rebuild a scenery, where they can do machine learning and train pattern recognition. As long as there is something that needs to be digitally designed and created that should imitate something that exists in reality we call it a simulation, independently of what kind of device is used or what the simulation's final usage is for.
Sample projects
1. A swim or a deep dive?
First of all we need to know how deep we should go. There is a huge difference between a simulation for machine learning and a fully-interactive training for humans. Planing in advance is absolutely mandatory.
2. Setting limits
If it should be an interactive experience, it is possible to walk freely around an environment and with the right setup possible to do everything we cannot do in real life... So "everything" is quite a lot, which means limits and borders have to be build until it is reduced to the simulation we want.
3. Combination with realistic scans
Often there is the wish to fill the simulations with the most realistic content possible. Scans and models can be integrated most of the time, assumed they were created in the right way so they can get integrated easily.
4. Every device is different
Once decided for a device to use the simulation on, it should stay on that kind of device. Meaning a simulation for a 2D-screen only works there, as a 360°-Video is not good for interaction and a walking simulator will not work well with tethered devices.
5. Real Virtuality
Simulating is always an experiment, there are almost endless possibilities to simulate things in the digital space. We even started to bring the virtual world to the real world - where you are in a virtual space imitating the real space from where you entered the virtual space... Just call us, we show you!
3D / VR / AR / BLEND / OBJ / UNITY / STL / GLTF / RC / RAW / FBX / MP4 / JPG / PNG / JS / 360